Napkins, tissues and baby food lids – oh my!

At nine months old Julia went ga-ga for disposable napkins and tissues. We went through packs of these and destroyed any provided by restaurants before food ever arrived. It was fun to see her focus and play with such a simple thing and kept me on my toes. I was tasked with keeping torn paper from becoming her snack.

In between tissues, we enjoyed waving and clapping with participating strangers. These people were the next best thing and made her really happy.

After tissues and kind Italians, here are the toys I recommend for travel. They worked really well for us and we still use them every few days.

This book. We love First 100 Words!

First 100 Words Larger Image

The Sassy Wonder Wheel Activity Center saved us in restaurants. It is thin enough to pack, but significant enough for baby to hold and examine for a while.

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This is our favorite. Julia especially recommends the Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Musical Toy for travel, outings, car rides, play time at home, gifts for friends, and more.

Baby Einstein Tunes Toy

We ordered the following items right after we got home and I wish we’d had them before. I recommend grabbing these for your travel bag and home.

Reviews for Num Num Dips say they are a great spoon and better teether. We haven’t had much chance to try as a spoon. Julia won’t let them go. It’s the only toy she takes to bed with her during nap time. I’ve just ordered more.

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Our pediatrician recommended a mesh feeder for Julia to get her interested in foods and I found the Kidsme Food Feeder online that gets great reviews. It is wonderful. She’s eaten bananas, blueberries and raspberries out of this and she wouldn’t have touched them before. She’s a texture girl.

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